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Main School Reception : 01327 350284

This is a Blue week




For information regarding admissions, please contact the school in the first instance on 01327 350284.

Please be aware that the school is over subscribed and that as a converter academy, manages its own admissions. We do make use of a waiting list and when a place becomes available, this is allocated in line with our admissions criteria.

Please click here for information on how to apply online for your child's school place in Northamptonshire.


School Policies

Click here to view school policies.

Over Subscription

Please be aware that the school uses a geographical information system via Ordnance Survey to establish the straight line distance from the house where the student lives to the front gate of the school when applying the distance tiebreaker criterion.


When parents request a place for their child at Sponne, the following procedure is adopted:

  • when there is a space (that is, below the admission number) in that particular year group, the place will be offered;
  • when there is no space in the particular year group, parents might request that the child's name is placed on our waiting list. When a place then becomes available, the admission criteria are used to allocate that place from the waiting list;
  • when there is no space in the particular year group, parents might decide to appeal against the school's decision to not offer a place. Further details regarding appeals can be found by contacting the school.


Contact Us

Sponne School,
Brackley Road, Towcester,
NN12 6DJ

Tel: 01327 350284

Sponne School
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Swan Teaching School