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Year 9 GCSE Options

Year 9 GCSE Options

Welcome to the Year 9 GCSE Options page. As part of a 5-year curriculum at Sponne, students follow an accelerated KS3 which promotes a broad and balanced curriculum and inspires a love for learning. This allows students to gain the knowledge and skills needed for their future learning and employment. The curriculum aims to promote valuable learning experiences in a range of subjects and should be broad and balanced. It should meet all students’ needs and aspirations and have the E-baccalaureate (EBacc) subjects at its core. The ambition is that the majority of students will follow the EBacc Pathway 1 and the curriculum blocks at KS4 are designed to enable students to easily select a humanities and a language subject alongside two further subjects. Students can select from a wide range of other choices though there are some restrictions to ensure that they do not narrow their curriculum.

Students should follow a pathway that includes:

Core SubjectsNonexamined
Four subject choices

English Language

English Literature (examined at
the end of year 10)


Science (combined or






Pathway 1:
Two EBacc subjects (Humanities and a Language) and two additional subjects
Pathway 2:
One EBacc subject (Humanities or a Language) and three additional subjects
Pathway 3:
Alternative Curriculum Pathways - some students may be directed towards a more vocational or a reduced curriculum*


To support students making the right choices, year 8 students will take part in an employer event to explore careers aspirations, have careers lessons in PSHE and will have the opportunity to discuss their choices with their tutors during registration times. Further careers links can be found on our website.

*this pathway is to support individual needs and maximise potential (this will be discussed with students and parents before making their final choices)

Read the full pathways booklet here:

Contact Us

Sponne School,
Brackley Road, Towcester,
NN12 6DJ

Tel: 01327 350284

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