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Enhancement clubs are open to all year groups unless stated otherwise



After School


Year 9 Jazz group (M6)

Sponnaissance (M2)

Advanced Trampolining - Invite Only (Hollick Hall)

Year 8 Jazz (M6)


Brass Band (M6)

Art Club YR7, 8 (D5)

Science Homework Club (W22)

Trampolining (Hollick Hall)

Concert Band (M6)

Art Club YR9, 10, 11 (C11)

Wednesday Junior Choir (D4)

Senior Choir (M6)

Year 11 Revise Wise (C4)

Jazz Orchestra (M6)

Hockey - Meet at the courts

Boys Football - Meet at the garage

Girls Football - Meet at the garage

Running Club - Meet at the garage


Junior Orchestra Years 7-9 (M6)

Y10, 11 Jazz (M6)

Art Club YR9, 10, 11 (C11)

Netball - Meet at the courts

Girls Rugby (Field)

Boys Rugby (Field)


Senior Strings (D4)

Junior Drumming Group 1.05pm (M6)

Senior Percussion Group 1.40pm (M6)

Year 11 Jazz (M6)

Badminton (Sports Hall)

Fitness - Fitness room

Chess Club - All Years (S23) 


TBC - Darts Club / Computing Club - for further information / expressions of interest, please speak to Mr. Cornelius in D16.

Les Mis Rehearsals

Rehearsals this week:

Wednesday 15th May
All cast required until 4pm and then the listed people after that until 5pm
No 18 One Day More  - all cast
No 28 Marius  and Cosette/ Valjean
No 30 Epilogue  All cast and Valjean/Fantine/Cosette/Marius/Eponine
No 2 At  the End of the Day

From 4pm
No 15 Rue Plumet - Cosette/Valjean /Marius/Eponine
No 16 - A heart full of Love Marius/Cosette/Eponine
No 17 Attack on Rue Plumet  - Thenardier's gang/Eponine/Marius/Valjean/CosetteNo 3  I dreamed a Dream - Fantine
No 5 Cart Crash
No 6 - Fantines Death - Fantine and Valjean

Thursday  - lunchtime  - 1.25 - hall
No 7 Little Cosette - Little Cosette and Mde Thenardier

Friday 17th May
All cast required until 4pm and then the listed people after that until 5pm
No 1 Prologue - chain gang /Javert/Valjean/Farmers wife/Bishop/Constables
No 9 The Bargain -  - Thenardiers and Valjean
No 10 The Beggars - All cast
No 11 The Robbery - Thenardiers/MArius/Eponine/Valjean/Javert
No 13 ABC cafe
No 14 - The People's Song - all cast

From 4pm
No 19- Building the Barricade - Enjolras/JAvert/Marius/eponine
No 20 Javert at the Barricade  All the student revolutionaries/Javert/Valjean/Eponine/Gavroche
No 21 The First attack All the student revolutionaries/Javert/Valjean
No 22 The Night All student revolutionaries + Gavroche and student girlfriends
No 23 The Second attack All student revolutionaries + Gavroche + Valjean
No 24 The Final Battle All student revolutionaries Valjean
No 27 The cafe Song - Students

Contact Us

Sponne School,
Brackley Road, Towcester,
NN12 6DJ

Tel: 01327 350284

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