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Main School Reception : 01327 350284




Sponne School has held the Healthy Schools award since 2007 and we strongly believe that the food our students eat contributes directly to their performance, behaviour and high attainment.

We offer free exam brain boosting breakfasts to our year 11 students throughout summer exam season to ensure they get the day off to a healthy start.

We have actively pursued catering partnerships that support our thinking and since September 2013 we are delighted to have Cucina Restuarants Ltd as our catering supplier.

Please click here to find out more about the company.

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Canteen Timings


8.10am to 8.40am


10.45am to 11.05am


1.05pm to 1.40pm

After School

3.05pm to 3.20pm
Homebaked goodies & cakes

Food will still be available to purchase throughout the day.

School Meals Menu

Food Standards

As from September 2009, School's must comply with the Government Standards set for Food in Schools in terms of nutritional content across the menu offer available. Further monitoring is then required on the sales mix to ensure we are actually selling the right quantities of foods with the correct nutritional content. To this aim we have introduced a Cashless Catering system to enable us to analyse the food sold and make informed decisions about the menu on offer.

Every recipe used by the caterers has been nutritionally analysed so as to provide a complete picture of the balance of nutritional elements over the week or a two weekly menu cycle. This is a tough remit as the standards relate to not just to the basic food groups, but to a range of vitamins and minerals too. We are working closely with Cucina Catering, our catering contractor and The Health Education Trust to ensure these targets are consistently met.

Free School Meals

Cucina's menus offer a wide range of choices from sandwiches and wraps, pizzas and paninis to our popular Chef’s roast of the day with Yorkshire puddings, fresh vegetables and roast potatoes. All are offered with a choice of hot and cold desserts, fresh fruit pots, various fruit, jellies and yoghurts.

Please find brief details on how the Free School Meals (FSM) work at Sponne School.

  • All FSM’s are loaded onto individual’s accounts everyday however this will not show if you or your child looks at their current balance. It is all done in the background.
  • It is important that you explain to your child that although they may not see money on their account they can get food everyday as the till will recognise that the food is to be taken out as a FSM. Please do encourage them to use their allowance in the canteen every day.
  • Your child can pick two items of food, one item from the main menu and one item from the dessert menu (drinks are not included). For example:
    • Fish and chips (on a Friday) and either a hot or cold pudding or fruit
    • Roast dinner (on a Wednesday) and either a hot or cold pudding or fruit
    • Pasta pot and either a hot or cold pudding or fruit
    • Sandwich/baguette/salad bar and either a hot or cold pudding or fruit
    • One pizza slice and either a hot or cold pudding or fruit
  • Alternatively they can choose to eat from the “blue dot” selection, these are clearly marked in the canteen and include any 4 items (this option does include certain drinks). For example:
    • A roll (ham, cheese, tuna or chicken mayo), a 4oz pot (seeds, fruit, jelly or yoghurt), a mini home bake (muffin, cookie, shortbread or flapjack) & a drink (Radnor fruit 125ml, small slush 7oz, still water 330ml or a small gen juice). There is also a selection of whole fruit items that can be swapped for any other item.
  • Once they have chosen their meal students will go to the tills and use their fingerprint/pin as normal.
  • Please can you let your child know:
    • FSM can only be used at lunchtime. Anything bought outside of lunchtime will be deducted from their own purse. Adequate funds should be on their account to purchase these items otherwise they will be refused. Funds can be added via TSCO Scopay to your child’s catering account for this purpose.
    • Drinks are not part of the standard FSM package but they can buy drinks from their own purse or can be purchased as part of the blue dot meal choice. There are water stations within the canteen to fill up their own water bottles for free.
    • The process for paying is the same whether a child has FSM or not so the system is discreet.

If your child requires further assistance, any member of staff in the canteen will gladly help guide them to the products they can choose from.

In the meantime should you have any further questions please contact us by email on or call on 01327 350284.


If you feel your child is entitled to Free School Meals and he/she is currently not receiving it, you will need to complete an online application form. You can find all the information you need on eligibility and how to apply for Free School Meals by clicking here.


Contact Us

Sponne School,
Brackley Road, Towcester,
NN12 6DJ

Tel: 01327 350284

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